12 November 2012
National University of Singapore
A Light-Activated Shock Detector - Part II
A Light-Activated Shock Detector - Part II
Project Report
The aim of this project is to implement a night-time shock detector which can either operate on its own in "detect mode", or as part of a larger system in "co-operative mode". This is achieved by integrating C Programming and Thumb-32 bit Assembly language to instruct an ARM-Cortex M3 Microprocessor chip to control various peripherals such as a light sensor and an accelerometer. This report focuses mainly on how C programming was used to activate the peripheral devices as well as implement "Detect Mode" and "Co-operative Mode". For more information on how thumb-32 assembly language was integrated into this project, please refer to part 1 of the project here. This project was carried out in August 2012 - November 2012 as a group of 2 team-mates.
1 Introduction
- 1.1 Project Overview
- 1.2 Implementation of the SysTick Interrupt
2 Detect Mode
- 2.1 Detect Mode Overview
- 2.2 GPIO Peripherals and Devices
- 2.2.1 SW4 Pushbutton
- 2.2.2 RGB LED
- 2.2.3 SW3 GPIO Interrupt
- 2.3 I2C Peripherals and Devices
- 2.3.1 Accelerometer
- 2.3.2 Light Sensor
- 2.4 SSP/SPI Initialization
3 Co-Operative
- 3.1 Co-Operative Mode Overview
- 3.2 UART Initialization and Interrupt Configuration
- 3.3 Receiving Data through UART Protocol
- 3.4 String Comparison and Data Processing
4 Conclusion
- 4.1 Special Feature
- 4.2 Reflections
- Appendix A: UML Design
- Appendix B: PC – System Communication Specifications
- Appendix C: Baseboard Diagram
1 Introduction
Project Overview
this project, we have implemented a shock detection and localization system by using
C programming in conjunction with assembly language to configure an ARM Cortex
M3 Processor and certain baseboard Peripherals. The system we have implemented
operates in two modes, ‘Detect’ and ‘Co-Operative’. A comprehensive
illustration of our system through a UML State Chart and a Use Case Diagram can
be found in Appendix A.
Implementation of the SysTick Interrupt
of the project requirements is to read the accelerometer and light sensor every
40ms. Thus, we have chosen to use the “SysTick” interrupt to accurately time
our readings. We have configured it to send an interrupt to the processor every
40ms using the library helper function “SysTick_Config”. The parameter to be parsed into this
function is the number of ‘ticks’ between each interrupt. Therefore, we parse in the number of ticks
per second, SysCoreClock, divided by
to the function. Within the interrupt handler
function, the program reads the accelerometer and light sensor values, and then
proceeds to set a flag (Global Integer Variable “dataRead”) which the
main function can poll to check if there is any new data to be processed.
2 Detect Mode
2.1 Overview of
Detect Mode
detect mode, the system constantly polls the “dataRead” flag to see if
there is any new data for processing. If the flag is set, the system calculates
the variance and maximum of the last 6 accelerometer z-axis readings using the
“asm_variance” function from
Project 1. A shock is detected if the luminance level is below 100, and if the
time-windowed variance of the z-axis acceleration is greater than 200, which is
the threshold set by us. A detected shock triggers the alarm, which can be
stopped by pressing the SW3 pushbutton on the baseboard. Once SW3 is pushed,
the system returns to polling the “dataRead” Flag.
2.2 GPIO
Peripherals and Devices
SW4 Pushbutton
have configured the SW4 pushbutton as a mode-switch as illustrated in Figure X.
Every time SW4 is pushed, it will cause a change in mode, from “Detect” to
“Co-op” and vice versa. SW4 is initialized as a GPIO by setting P1.311
to function number 0. The “GPIO_SetDir” helper function is then used to
set P1.31 as an input signal. The “GPIO_ReadValue” helper
function is used to set a variable for the system to poll every cycle to see if
it should change mode
the direct digital IO peripheral RGB LED, it is initialized as a GPIO output
(RED). With reference to the datasheet in Appendix C, we can deduce that the
RED LED is connected to P2.0. Thus, we set P2.0 to function number ‘0’ to
initialize it as GPIO. The “GPIO_SetDir” helper function is then used to
set P2.0 as an output signal.
GPIO Interrupt SW3
SW3 pushbutton, it is implemented it as a GPIO interrupt. We have configured
P2.10 to function number ‘2’ as an external interrupt (EINT) signal. Since all
port 2 GPIO interrupts are sent as EINT3 signals, we enable the processor to
receive the interrupt by using the helper function “NVIC_EnableIRQ(EINT3_IRQn)”. To enable the device to send the
interrupt, we have chosen out of convenience to use “LPC_GPIOINT->IO2IntEnF |= 1<<10” to write
directly to the register which enables the falling edge interrupts for all pins
on port 2.
the EINT3 interrupt handler function, which runs when SW3 is pushed, the “stopAlarm” flag is set. Since
our alarm function polls the flag every period time to determine if the alarm
should continue running, the alarm will stop if the flag is set. Upon exiting
the alarm function, we reset the values stored in the variance buffer so that
any residual readings will not trigger an alarm unnecessarily.
2.3 I2C
Peripherals and Devices
this project, the two I2C peripherals which we are required to utilize is the
light sensor and the accelerometer. First, we initialize the pin functions for
the data (SDA2) and clock (SCL2) signals required for I2C communication between
the processor and the peripherals. Referring to the figure 1, in order to
activate the above-mentioned signals, we have to set the function number for
P0.10 and P0.11 to ‘2’.
Figure 1: Pinsel0 Function Select Table
Source: user.manual.lpc17xx.pdf, Reference
Materials, EE2024 IVLE Workbin, AY2012/13 Semester 1
clock rate is then defined by setting the divider and setting the I2C operation
to default by using the helper function “I2C_Init(LPC_I2C,
Next, the I2C interface is enabled by the helper
function “I2C_Cmd(LPC_I2C, ENABLE)”. Lastly, we
include the libraries “acc.h”
and “light.h”
in order to configure the light sensor and accelerometer settings.
2.3.1 Accelerometer
The accelerometer is a device which can detect motion. It is
initialized by using the “acc_init”
function and set to ‘measure mode. Data is read by parsing the address of
variables x, y and z into the “acc_read”
Light Sensor
light sensor is a device which measures the level of luminance of its
surroundings. It is initialized by using the “light_enable” function. The
range is set to 1000, and the hi/lo thresholds are set to 1000 and 0
respectively. Data is read by reading the return from the “light_read” function,
which does not require any parameters to be parsed in.
SSP/SPI is not within the syllabus, we will just briefly go through the
initialization process for it. 4 signals need to be activated for SSP/SPI.
Namely: clock (SCK1), Master Input Slave Output (MISO1), Master Output Slave
Input (MOSI1) and Chip Select (SSEL). As can be seen from figure 2, we need to
configure P0.7, P0.8 and P0.9 to function number ‘2’ in order to do so.
However, rather than activating the SSEL signal, we configure P2.2 to function
number ‘0’ as GPIO to use as a chip select signal. We need to enable SSP/SPI in
order to use the OLED screen.
Figure 2: Pinsel0 function select table
Source: user.manual.lpc17xx.pdf, Reference
Materials, EE2024 IVLE Workbin, AY2012/13 Semester 1
the SSP/SPI peripheral is initialized and enabled by the following helper
functions, “SSP_Init(LPC_SSP1,
&SSP_ConfigStruct)” and “SSP_Cmd(LPC_SSP1, ENABLE);”.
3 Co-Operative Mode
3.1 Overview of
Co-Operative Mode
the system enters Co-Operative Mode, it is expected to be able to receive
commands from a PC, and respond accordingly. All communication and handshaking
between system and PC is supposed to be done through the Universal Asynchronous
Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Protocol. UART protocol transmits/receives data in
serial form and is capable of full duplex2 transmissions. However,
it is important to note that the UART does not send/receive signals directly.
Rather, it is connected in conjunction with physical layer communication
standards such as RS232 which sends/receives the actual data.
Co-Operative Mode, the PC will send commands to the system in the form of
character arrays (strings) ending with the ASCII character ‘\r’. The system is
then expected to send back appropriate responses to the PC also in the form of
strings, but this time ending with “\r\n” instead of just ‘\r’. A complete
annex of the communication procedure between PC and system can be found in Appendix
AWESOME 66\r\n”
is our system’s only unique response, which is sent when the PC sends the “IDQ\r” command. Unlike
in Detect Mode where it was the system which set the luminance and z-axis
variance thresholds for shock detection, it is now the PC
which determines whether or not there has been a shock. The PC is also supposed
to have the ability to stop the Alarm of the system while it is ringing.
3.2 UART
Initialization and Interrupt Configuration
order to initialize the UART protocol for our system, we first have to define
the user-configured settings as specified in figure 3.
Baud Rate
Data Length
8 bits
Parity Bit
1 bit
Figure 3: UART Configuration Settings
we are provided with USB Cables, we have decided to use the UART3 signal to
communicate with the PC. As such, we will have to configure the system as
specified by the appropriate Tables in the user manual. As can be seen from figure
4, we have to set Port ‘0’, pins ‘0 and 1’ to Function number ‘2’ in order to
activate the ‘TXD3’ and ‘RXD3’ to initialize UART3.
Figure 4: PINSEL0 Function Select
Source: user.manual.lpc17xx.pdf,
Reference Materials, EE2024 IVLE Workbin, AY2012/13 Semester 1
have also decided to enable the “Receive Data Available” (RDA) interrupt for
UART3 with RX Trigger Level 0. This means that an interrupt will be triggered
whenever there is at least 1 character inside the Rx FIFO Buffer. As with all
interrupts, the RDA interrupt needs to be enabled both on the device side, and the
processor side. Thus, we have manually set the U3FCR Register’s bits 7:6 to
“00” which set the Rx Trigger level to 0, and the U3IER Register’s bit 0 to ‘1’
which enables UART 3 to send RDA interrupts to the processor. We then made use
of the helper function “NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART3_IRQn);” to enable the processor to receive
interrupts from UART3.
3.3 Receiving
Data through the UART Protocol
our program, the RDA interrupt is triggered by every character sent through the
UART protocol. Thus, we have decided to read the data one character at a time
using the UART3 Interrupt Handler function. We declared a global string
variable “rcv_string” to store the characters received, and
a counter variable “rcv_len” which decides which position within “rcv_string” the character
will be placed. If the character received is ‘\r’, it means that
it is the end of the PC command and our program proceeds to clear all remaining
spaces in the “rcv_string” array by means of a ‘for’ loop, reset
to 0, and set a flag (Global Integer “uartRead”) to inform the
main function that a command has been read from the PC.
3.4 String
Comparison and Data Processing
the main function detects that the “uartRead” flag has been set, it utilizes “if-else”
block instructions and the library function “strcmp” to determine what command has been
sent. The only exception to this is when “B max_var1 max_var2 max_var3
is sent from the PC, the program checks whether the first character in “rcv_string” is ‘B’ in
order to identify this type of command. Following which, nested loops and the library
function “atoi” is used to
convert “rcv_string” into 4
separate integer values. The maximum of those 4 values is then compared with
the maximum variance sent to the PC. If they are equal, the system sends “MEE\r\n”
to the PC and sounds the alarm. Otherwise, the system sends “NME\r\n” to the PC.
Appendix B, the response expected from the system is form most commands is constant.
For example, “ENA\r\n”
is always expected when PC sends “END\r” command. Thus, “strcpy” is used to
copy the appropriate response into a separate string “send_string” before sending
it out to the PC. The only exception is when the PC sends the “REQ\r” command as the
expected response contains the max variance and luminance values to be which
are variables. Thus, the “print”
function is used instead as it is able to copy numerical values of variables into
4 Conclusion
4.1 Special
this project, the additional feature we have implemented is Joystick control
over the variance and luminance thresholds for shock detection in detect mode.
Figure X shows the exact specifications of this feature. The ranges are as
follows: (20 < Var < 990) and (20 < Lux < 950).
Threshold decreased by 10
Threshold increased by 10
Threshold decreased by 10
Threshold increased by 10
& Var Thresholds reset to 100/200
Figure 5: Joystick Control Specifications
note that when the system is in Co-Operative Mode, the threshold for shock
detection is decided solely by the PC and thus, this special feature is only
implemented in Detect Mode.
4.2 Reflections
this project, we have learnt the basics of embedded systems design. We now have
a better understanding of how to utilize library functions in conjunction with
datasheets provided by the manufacturer to implement a system using an ARM
processor to control peripheral devices on a baseboard. We also have a better
grasp on the debugging process and can now see the importance of using breakpoints
and memory tracking to perform debugging efficiently.
Appendix B: PC –
System Communication Specifications
Source: Project 2 Manual Annex
Description of Communication Procedure
Source: Project 2 Manual Annex
Appendix C:
Source: LPCXpresso_Base_Board_revB.pdf, Reference
Materials, EE2024 IVLE Workbin, AY2012/13 Semester 1
- From the datasheet, it can be seen that the RED LED is connected to PIO1_9 on the baseboard.
- Now we need to match PIO1_9 to the appropriate Port/Pin of the Processor Chip.
to Processor Port/Pin Number
Source: LPCXpresso_Base_Board_revB.pdf, Reference
Materials, EE2024 IVLE Workbin, AY2012/13 Semester 1
- From the above diagram, it can be seen that PIO1_9 is connected to Port 2 Pin 0 of the processor chip.
- In general, this is how we deduce which port/pin of the processor any device or peripheral on the baseboard is connected to.
Bro mind pm me? I interested in your code